Academic Rules

The students taking admission in Shivaji Polytechnic College, Sangola should abide by the rules mentioned below.


  1. The student should strictly obey the instructions given by the Principal from time to time.
  2. Student will be expelled from the college when found disobeying the orders of the principal/faculty/ management.
  3. The student should be regular in attendanceand his/her attendance for the day shall be marked only when he/she present for all the session during the day.
  4. The student is required to submit the assignment, failingwhich he shall be subjected to the disciplinary action.
  5. The student should carry identity card with him regularly and it shouldbe produced if demanded by the authority the polytechnic.
  6. The vehicle should be parked at a place notified and the vehicleparked elsewhere, i.e. Other than parking zone shall be confiscated.
  7. The student found guilty by an act of misconduct eitherin the polytechnic or outside shall be subjected to strict disciplinary action and may be expelled from the polytechnic.
  8. Thestudent should not cause any damage to the polytechnic property. The damage caused will be recovered from the student immediately.
  9. Polytechnic expects 100% attendance for the theory and practical session. However some relaxation is possiblein the extent of 10% on valid grounds and with prior permission of the Principal
  10. If the students arefound weak in certain subjects they will have to attend extra classes as notified and make required progress to come at par withother students.
  11. Strict silence should be observed in the library. Loitering in corridors is strictly prohibited.
  12. Smoking andchewing of tobacco products in the premises is strictly prohibited.
  13. The student should read the notice displayed on the noticeboard regularly and the polytechnic will not take care of their belongings. The institute shall not be responsible for theloss/damage of the same.
  14. The students should avoid bringıng any valuable articles to the institute, however the students should themselves take care of their belongings. The institute shall not be responsible for the loss/damage of the same.
  15. Theabove rules of discipline are always subject to change, modification, addition, omission or alteration. When the Principal deemsit fit and the decision of the principal will be final.
  16. The required documents should be submitted as and when required.
  17. Each student shall conduct herself/himself, both within and outside the campus of the Institute in a manner befitting a student of a prestigious institute. Each student shall show due respect and courtesy to the teachers, administrators, staff of the Institute, and to the visitors of the Institute, and good behavior to fellow students.
  18. Any act of indiscipline of a student reported to the Principal, shall be discussed in a Disciplinary Action Committee of the institute. The Committee shall enquire into the charges and recommend suitable punishment if the charges are substantiated.
  19. Lack of courtesy and decorum; unbecoming conduct within and outside the Institute; willful damage to Institute property, removal of any property belonging to the Institute, fellow students or other personnel of the Institute; use of abusive and offensive language; will not be allowed and it is considered as violation of the code of conduct.
  20. If a student is found guilty of malpractice in examinations then he/she shall be punished as per the rules of M.S.B.T.E
  21. Students are prohibited to take part in ragging, political activity or any activity which is detrimental to the dignity of the institute. Any student found violating the rule or bringing disrepute to the institute will be expelled from the institute.
  22. If a student is involved in any kind of ragging, the student shall be liable for strict action as per Maharashtra anti-ragging act 1999, which is in effect from 15th May 1999.
  23. Students are required to be dressed in the college uniform on the days fixed and to be neatly and decently dressed on the other days of the week when in campus.
  24. All the students must carry I-card every day to college and shall show the same on demand by any faculty/official of the Institute.
  25. Any student who alters or intentionally mutilates an ID card or who uses the ID card of another student or allows his/her ID card to be used by another, student shall be subjected to disciplinary action.
  26. The students should not involve in any activity such as common off. If they are found to be involved in common off, are liable to disciplinary action.
  27. Use of cell phones is strictly prohibited in all academic areas of the campus. Use of cell phones would entail confiscation of the handset. It would be returned only when students will report at the institute with his/her parent.
  28. Late arrival and early departure at or from a class are recorded as absence from the class. Students are not allowed to leave the institute during working hours without the written permission of the HOD / class in charge.
  29. Students will not operate any machinery / equipment without the permission of the instructor.
  30. Students should to handle Laboratory Equipments, Machines and Computers in the institute with proper care.
  31. It is advised to all students to use internet facility to the maximum extent ethically. The library facilities shall be properly used without violation of rules and regulations of Library.
  32. No responsibility will be accepted by the institute for any injury, loss or damage to the personal articles of students.
  33. It is compulsory for the students to attend functions /activities organized by the institute on various occasions like Independence Day, Republic Day, Annual Day, etcwhether the function falls on a working day or on holidays. Absence from such functions without valid reasons will invite disciplinary action.
  34. The students will compensate damage to institute property/furniture caused by neglect or willful damage. Defacing the walls or institute property will be viewed seriously.
  35. Students must pay their fee/dues on or before the prescribed deadline. Student once admitted in the institute shall follow instructions issued from time to time.
  36. All applications must be addressed to the Principal through proper channel.
  37. The Principal reserves the right to modify any of the Institute rules as and when necessary.


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