Logo of Shivaji Polytechnic College, Sangola
Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Recognized by DTE, Mumbai (Govt. of Maharashtra) Affiliated to MSBTE Mumbai.
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute. MSBTE Code: 1208 DTE Code: D-6471.
प्रथम वर्ष व थेट द्वितीय वर्ष डिप्लोमा प्रवेश सुरू. २०२४-२५ (DTE Code-6471)
संस्था स्थरावरील व रिक्त राहिलेल्या डिप्लोमा इंजिनिअरिंग अभ्यासक्रमांना खालील मान्यता प्राप्त कोर्सेसना प्रवेश सुरू (ACAP/IL)

सांगोला येथील शिवाजी पाॅलिटेक्निकमध्ये वर्ष 2024-25 डिप्लोमा इंजीनियरियरिंगच्या प्रवेश प्रक्रियेला प्रारंभ



  1. Survey Lab
  2. Auto-CAD Lab
  3. Geotechnical Engineering Lab
  4. Strength of Material Lab
  5. Concrete Technology Lab
  6. Building Construction Materials & Transportation Lab
  7. Hydraulics Lab
  8. Public Health Engineering Lab
  9. Physics Lab
  10. Chemistry Lab

Name of the Lab: - Survey Lab.

    Survey lab has the facilities for conducting practicals of the subjects Surveying and Advanced Surveying.

Major equipment in Lab

    Prismatic Compass, Theodolite, Plane table, Dumpy level, Telescopic alidade, Auto-level, Digital planimeter, Tilting level, Total station, Micro optic theodolite, Polar planimeter, Ranging rod, legs, Tripod stand Staff, Prismatic Compass stand, Total station prism stand, Plane table stand, Bubble tube, Magnetic compass, Magnetic compass, Oct-Cross staff, Open cross staff, Optical square, 30 m –chain, 20m-chain, U-Fork, Wooden peg, Metal peg, Metal stakes, Plumb bob, digital caliper, extensometer, brunton compass, GPS-72HTape-30m,Tape-15m.

Name of the Lab: - Auto-CAD Lab

    This lab is specially designed for the subjects CAD, Estimating Costing and Valuation & PPO-1

Major equipment in Lab

    PC-Intel H61, Printer and Mouse

Name of the Lab: - Geotechnical Engineering Lab

    Geotech Engineering lab has the facilities for conducting practicals of the subjects Geotechnical Engineering And Contracts And Accounts.

Major equipment in Lab

    Lab Hot air oven, Brass test sieves, Direct Shear test apparatus, fixed compression apparatus, Proctor compression apparatus, Pure mercury bottle, Permeability test apparatus, Core cutter, Bitumen testing machine, Liquid limit apparatus, Plastic limit apparatus, Pychnometer, Vibrator Engine, Dial gauge, Needle vibrator, Growing tools

Name of the Lab: - Strength of Material Lab

    Strength of Material Lab has the facilities for conducting practicals of the Subject Mechanics Of Structures and Theory Of Structures.

Major equipment in Lab

    Compressive strength machine, Torsion Machine, Hardness tester, UTM, PC,Mouse , Impact tester (charpy), Impact Testing machine.

Name of the Lab: - Concrete Technology Lab

    Concrete Technology Lab has the facilities for conducting practicals of the Subject Concrete Technology.

Major equipment in Lab

    Vicat Apparatus, Slump cone test apparatus, Compacting factor apparatus, Los angels Abrasion machine, Impact testing machine, Vibrating table, Vibrating machine, Vibrating Engine ,Soundness measuring device, IS Sieves, Cement block, Cube (150x150x150),

Name of the Lab: -Building Construction Materials & Transportation Engineering Lab.

    The goal of this lab is to have students understand various building construction material and models of Bridge, culvert and Dams.

Major equipment in Lab

    Fully panelled Door ,Half panelled & Half Glazed, Sash Door, Ledged braced Door, flush Door, Louvered Or ventilation window, Double hung window, Sliding Window, Casement window, Awing window,Hopper window, Steel Roof Truss, Ridge, Hip, Valley,King port Truss, Queen Post truss, Joints Of Trusses,Dog Legged stairs, Open well stairs, Quarter Turn Stairs, Bifurcated stairs,Models Of Foundation,Steel Sheet Pipe, Screw pile,Timber Pile, brick layers ,scaffolding ranking Shore, Flying shore, T Beam &slab, reinforcement, Coffer Dam ,River Head Work, Spillway Gate, Canal Intake,Model in Silt Ejector,Model Of canal regulator, Aqueduct, R.C.C Deck Slab Bridge, Road Culvert With R.C.C, Slab, Slow sand Filter, Rapid sand Filter,Bay Window, Geometrical Stair, Spiral Stairs, Pile Driving Machine, Vishweswarya Gate, Road Suspension Bridge, Pressure Filter, Sedimentation tank, Flocculator, Gravity Dam,

Name of the Lab: -Hydraulics Lab

    Hydraulics lab has the facilities for conducting practicals of the subjects Hydraulics.

Major equipment in Lab

    Impact of jet on vanes, Pelton wheel turbine, Francis turbine, Kaplan turbine, Single and multistage centrifugal pump, Reciprocating pump, Venturimeter, Orifice meter, Air blower rig.

Name of the Lab: -Public Health Engineering Lab

    Public Health Engineering Lab has the facilities for conducting practicals of the subjects Public Health Engineering.

Major equipment in Lab

    PH meter ,Turbiditimeter, Jar test, Test tube, BOD test Device, Measuring Cylinder, Beaker, Filter paper, Funnel, Conical Flask, Burrete, pipette, Electronic balance

Name of the Lab: -Physics Lab

    Physics Lab has the facilities for conducting practicals of the subjects Applied Physics and Basic Physics.

Major equipment in Lab

    Young’s Modules (Searls), Stocks Law App, Stop Clock, Travelling Microscope, Digital Stop Clock, Plunger App, Spectrometer Brass 1/100, Glass Slab 75*80*18 mm, Joule Calorimeter, Battery Eliminator, Galvanometer, Bar Pendulum, Resonance tube, tunneling fork set, Boyle’s law apparatus, Sonometer, K.Constant Spring App., Slit Box, Sodium lamp with wooden 2, transistor, P N junction app, Thermometer, Gas jar (steam chamber), Vernier Caliper, Micrometer screw gauge, Sloted weight 5*500, Meter scale wooden, Glycerine, Steam Chambor, Solar Cell, Thermocouple App., Drawing Board, diode by 127, Measuring Cylinder, mercury lamp 80 Watt, Photo Diode, magnetic needle on stand, rheostat.(1.2 amp.), Capillary diligent bore, mille voltmeter 0 to 50 mv, ammeter (2 amp), mille voltmeter 100ma, ohms meter, optical bench app, spectrometer G, Digital Multimeter, He-ne laser source, electric shegadi, diameter state y2 p, acoustical material app, oersted apparatus, searis method app, tensional pendulum, permittivity in series ckt. Board, Steel wire, Diode two type wire, capacitors in series ckt board, capacitors in parallel board, laser pointer, mille ammeter, micro ammeter, wooden screen, 0-15 power supply, 0.1m 0.65 meter, Edf prisms, Reading lamp, Plug key, tapping key, retort stand with clamp, Dmm 830L, magnetic lens, photoelectric cell, meter bridge with pencil jockey, cell box, Newton’s ring app, reading telescope, concave mirror

Name of the Lab: -Chemistry Lab

    Chemistry Lab has the facilities for conducting practicals of the subjects Basic Chemistry& Applied Chemistry

Major equipment in Lab

    Hot air oven, Digital conductivity meter, Digital pH meter, Digital weighing balance, Digital water plant, Thermostatic/water bath, Magnetic stirrer, Kipp’s apparatus, Ostwald viscometer.